Here you will find examples of engaging activities and strategies that teachers are using to target students' challenge areas revealed on formative SNAP assessments.


(above) Katie Wilson, Grade 2/3, Yarrow Community School, Chilliwack

  • Students search for and fix the teacher's mistakes on the giant SNAP board "Oops Hunt"
  • Students work together to build a hands-on number line using precise language (midpoint, endpoints, benchmarks, highest, lowest, greater than, less than..)


(above) Michaela Webb, Grade 4, Unsworth Elementary, Chilliwack

  • Students practicing representing numbers many different ways, working on computational flexibility and making math to self connections


(above) Eva Marcinowski, Grade 4, Bernard Elementary, Chilliwack

  • Students practicing drawing visual representations of subtraction


(above) Leigh Verleur, Grade 3 Early Success, Bernard Elementary, Chilliwack

  • To help them communicate their thinking, students have access to mathematical vocabulary on a math word wall (see "Resources" tab on this website for the free printables)


(above) Joelle Bausenhaus, Grade 5, Little Mountain Elementary, Chilliwack

  • Our class was challenged by locating numbers on number lines and finding examples of numbers in real life; this activity connects both learning areas.
  • Students add real-life examples of numbers on a very long 0 -1 000 000 number line at the back of the classroom (populations of familiar cities and countries and number of kms on family cars)
  • Students will continue to add meaningful numbers to the line throughout the year


(above) Cassandra Kostrzewa, Grade 4, Bernard Elementary, Chilliwack

  • Students are working on finding difference and how it relates to the adding up strategy when subtracting. We are one step closer to diversifying our calculate section on SNAP.


(above) Jenelle Atkinson, Grade 2/3, Little Mountain Elementary School, Chilliwack

  • Students using the SNAP as one station in guided math rotation


(above) Karey Mann, Gr. 1, Central Elementary School, Chilliwack

  • Students practice subitizing and decomposing numbers with dot card images from the "Tiny Polka Dots" game.  Number Talks help students work with numbers in a more flexible way and will develop their future computation/mental math skills.


(above) Lori Rurka, Grade 4/5, McCammon Elementary School, Chilliwack

  • We practice hands-on number line routines to help students estimate and situate where numbers would fall on the line. Students love the responsibility of being the "end points".  :)