SNAP is a unique, student-friendly assessment and practice tool that enhances any balanced math program. The templates and rubrics are simple, straightforward and provide a clear snapshot of learning evidence. Effective and authentic 21st century assessment extends far beyond gathering data on paper, however. SNAP can inform the rest of the learning process and drive the purposeful, responsive action needed to guide your students down the path to mathematical proficiency.
The "SNAP". This stands for “Student Numeracy Assessment & Practice”. We are very pleased to have been able to incorporate “practice” into the name of the assessment as we believe this to be a very important and innovative aspect. The idea of practice supports a spiraled approach to teaching and assessing numeracy skills. The SNAP is an assessment that can be used over and over again – to build student fluency, confidence, comprehension, and skills.
The SNAP has its philosophic underpinning based in The ANIE (by Pembroke Publishers). Our teachers were having great results with the ANIE as an assessment tool, and these results inspired us to create an assessment that was our own and catered to our exact context.
After a year of hard work, multiple drafts, piloting and prototypes, The SNAP was born.
We believe that The SNAP will have a dramatic effect on student math achievement in Chilliwack. Started in 2016/2017, all of our students from grades 2-7 are using the SNAP on an ongoing basis. With thanks to the support from our Board of Education, we have funding and staffing in place to support our teachers in using The SNAP. This initiative is currently impacting over 5,000 students and we anticipate it will significantly improve their academic trajectory. We look forward to reporting our progress in the spring of 2017.
Included in this post below is our Strategic Plan Update #1 presented to our Board in June 2016. The update outlines the SNAP journey thus far in a one-page overview. It describes the alignment with the new curriculum, gives an overview of the outcomes focused upon, and recognizes the educators who teamed together to create it.
Our SNAP team has had the pleasure of visiting other school districts in BC to share SNAP and related resources. We are proud to share some of the feedback educators have shared about learning and using SNAP!
"I'm excited to try this with my class - I like being able to have different levels for a split class." ~ Teacher, SD91 Nechako Lakes
"Great assessment for teaching tool! Love the adaptability of it for IEP students and even students who are ahead!" ~ Teacher, SD 75 Mission School District
"I don't need to focus on what my students already know." ~ Teacher, SD 78 Fraser Cascade
"I like the idea of two simple assessment pieces!" ~ Teacher, SD 75 Mission School District
"Something that stuck with me today is it's a useful tool for formative and summative assessment. Daily Practice is Best!" ~Teacher, SD 75 Mission School District
"Love the website, because I need the written down." ~ Teacher, SD 91 Nechako Lakes
"I now have a much greater understanding of how SNAP can be used! A potentially powerful tool! I can't wait to share with my colleagues - thanks so much!!!" ~ Teacher, SD 91 Nechako Lakes
"I like that this is a tool that can be worked with throughout the year so students won't be "surprised" by the time their learning has to be reported." ~ Teacher, SD 75 Mission School District